FMA PAC Endorses Connie Mack


Date: Oct. 9, 2012
Location: Miami, FL

The Florida Medical Association PAC (FMA PAC), Florida's leading advocate for electing pro-medicine candidates to office, has endorsed U.S. Representative Connie Mack IV in his candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Bill Nelson.
"The FMA PAC is proud to endorse Congressman Connie Mack in his U.S. Senate campaign," said FMA PAC President John Katopodis, M.D. "He has been vocal about the detrimental effect the federal health care law will have on our patients, and we believe he is the right candidate to represent Florida as we work toward providing the highest quality health care for our patients in a free-market system."

In thanking the FMA for their endorsement Congressman Mack stated:
"Bill Nelson cast the deciding vote for Barack Obama's takeover of healthcare. ObamaCare has eliminated the freedom of the American people to choose the health care they want and to do so affordably. I look forward to working with the FMA and its leaders in Florida to make sure we repeal and replace ObamaCare with real reforms that preserve and improve America's healthcare system."
